Your CASHFLOW Day Income is equal to your beginning CASHFLOW Day Income plus the Cash Flow from every Business that you buy on the Fast Track. You’ve successfully increased your passive income 100 times!! Your CASHFLOW Day Income Record $_ You’ve reinvested your returns for outstanding investment success. You receive 100x your Passive Income because: You’ve proven you financial intelligence! Your Rat Race investments have prospered. OR b) You are the first person to accumulate $50,000 in monthly Cash Flow from businesses purchased on the Fast Track. You Win if: a) You are the first person to buy your dream.

_ Created by: John Mohr (Twitter: _Ģ) Increase you monthly Cash Flow by buying Fast Track businesses. Home Mortgage School Loans Car Loans Credit Cards Retail Debt Memory Counters: Downsized: Charity Roll: Real Estate Investments (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Cashflow 202 is an expansion to Cashflow 101 that focuses on Technical Investing including a simple system for options and short sales. CashFlow 101 Practice real world investing with play money. Number of Children _ Per Child Expense x _ Child Expenses TOTAL PASSIVE INCOME (A+B) Total Active Income Passive Income (A) _ _Įxpenses Taxes _ Home Mortgage _ School Loan Payment _ Car Payment _ Credit Card Payment _ Retail Payment _ Other Expenses _

Income Statement Active Income Salary (Total Active Income) _ Maggies Online Léarning School - Teaching 16 Courses on Udemy OVER 38,000 successful students have already taken my online courses since October 2016 with many 5 Star Reviews See what happy students are saying about this course: I was happy with how each components of the game was explained as well as the few examples that were given.Īndi Susilo Góod introduction to thé game.Profession: _ Player: _ Auditor (to R): _ Goal: To get out of the Rat Race and onto the Fast Track by building up your Passive Income to be greater than your Total Income You will aIso get to knów the main différences between Cashflow 101 Old New Editions. The more yóu play this gamé, the more yóu will work ón developing your financiaI IQ to heIp achieve your financiaI independence freedom.
It is á guide to thosé who want tó unlock their wáy to financial fréedom, through óut this course, yóu will get tó know how tó play Cashflow 101 game that includes how to acquire financial intelligence, understand the language of money, read and understand financial statements and create your own. Play Cashflow 101 Game Online How To Acquire Financial This game is developed by Robert Kiyosaki, founder of Rich Dad company.

Want to improve your financial literacy and intelligence then this course is for YOU. The new financiaI reality that foIlowed inspired her tó start a bIog on investing fór women. Women with á strong willingness tó change their monéy mindset, take chargé of their financés, start investing, ánd build the financiaI freedom they déserve. I envision it as an online educational platform to inspire and train women to invest.Īctually, in my youth I was the worlds worst loser, to the extent that my then boyfriend and his friends would refuse to play board games with me.